“Lawe i ka ma’alea a ku’ono’ono”
The Hawaiian phrase at the beginning of this section is an ancient saying implying that to be good at anything, one must study hard and practice long until the practice becomes a part of you, a part of your nature. This website is not intended to teach you the skills that an outdoor adventurer needs to accomplish the adventures on this site. This is not an instructional manual for land navigation, first aid, hiking, climbing, swimming, diving, caving, skiing, astronomy, surfing, physics, archery, or snorkeling. But, you might need all of those skills to be able to do the hikes on this site. This site only introduces locations and destinations, and provides extensive information to get you from point A to point B. I assume you already know how to evaluate objective and subjective hazards and have all the gear and background skill and experience to safely get from point A to point B. But, you probably know the old saw about people who assume.
In our modern world, I think we’ve unfortunately lost the vital values of self-reliance and humbleness. Several adventures on this website will take you far from the beaten path in a changing, violent, unforgiving environment. Prepare yourself. Get physically and mentally fit. Don’t be the fool and asshole that endangers the lives of search-and-rescue personnel because you couldn’t be bothered to prepare for the hike you chose. Don’t underestimate Mother Nature – she doesn’t give a damn about you. Don’t rely on others to keep you safe. Don’t assume someone will come and take care of you. Don’t assume search-and-rescue can reach you in time. Don't assume stuff you read on the internet is accurate.
So, let’s be clear: it’s not my fault when you get killed or hurt or lost or scared or drowned or annoyed or stung or eaten or confused while using this website. It’s your fault, and a result of a chain of your stupid decisions. This website can’t change you or the way you think. It can’t get you fit. It can’t purchase you appropriate clothing and gear. It can only guide a prepared, responsible, and sensible person toward rewarding destinations. I will attempt to provide as much information as possible on the adventures on this site, but things change, earthquakes happen, tidal waves erase, and humans make mistakes. That said, have fun out there!